Thursday, May 6, 2010

NEW!! Audio Gourmet Netlabel

Hello all! I have been exceptionally busy this week - I've only gone and set up my own netlabel haven't I?
I guess this has always been on the cards and a direction I've been increasingly heading towards for some time now.
The main thing that makes the Audio Gourmet netlabel a little different is its release concept:

"To showcase a collection of short albums and E.Ps that can be listened to in full during a standard working tea-break."

Each Audio Gourmet netlabel release will be no longer than fifteen minutes and not much shorter than fourteen. As it says above in the label mission-statement, this has been set so that listeners can download quickly, and listen to the works of talented ambient artists and sound designers all within the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee and have a slice of cake. Many of you will yearn for a refreshing listening experience on occasions when you simply don't have the time to sit down and listen through an entire album-long release. So, let the Audio Gourmet Netlabel be your portal for that quick recess period, and may you feel refreshed and inspired after listening!

The other benefits of this label include:
  • Quick upload process - means I can get an E.P uploaded during a lunch-hour. Should be two or three releases out a month at the very least.
  • Short timeframe means artists are able to get an E.P made quicker than a usual release.
  • Gives artists a window to maybe try something different or collaborate as an experiment
  • An artist can supplement a full album release with a free E.P to promote their main project. Could serve as the 'bonus material' accompanying E.P
  • I will do everything I can to promote the artist - the release section will include a 'further reading/links' header, which an artist can supply me with information on anything else they want to promote and also links to biographies, discographies, other releases and general information. I want to build a community and support as many different individuals interested in the ambient music scene as possible.
So there you have it - head over to the netlabel site on the link above, and download its very first release: an E.P from myself, under my Spheruleus guise...

1 comment:

Low Light Mixes said...


I love the first two releases! I've used them in the latest Low Light mix. Good luck with the new label.